Posts by Category

Removing stale devices from Entra/Intune

less than 1 minute read

Today, I continued the cleanup process of our Entra Directory. There were about 7500 Stale devices in the directory, and I’m not that fond of clicking my mou...

New version of MGNestedGroups

less than 1 minute read

I’ve just released a new version of my MGNestedGroups module. It’s a pretty niche module, but it’s something I’ve found usefull at work, so I’ve improved it ...

Alerting when running out of licenses

1 minute read

Lately, we’ve been experiencing a shortage of licenses for some of our Microsoft 365 services. It’s not a significant problem, but the absence of any alerti...

I Made a PowerShell Module

1 minute read

So in my previous post (Looking up the command line history in Powershell) I wrote about my script that I use to get the command line history from PowerShel...

Fixing Windows Activation in Intune

1 minute read

I’m currently working on a project where we’re migrating everything we can of client computers to Intune. The process has been to take in all the client comp...